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Tequila Lime sauce


Tequi-Lime ® Sauce is a fusion of East meets West in a bottle. The sweet dark flavors of the Asian grill; blend with the south-of-the-border heats of chilies, bright fresh lime finished with a celebratory shot of Tequila! The healthy Eastern cuisines inspired us to make the sauce fat-free and without preservatives.

Ingredients: Sugar, lime juice, tequila, tomatoes, water, chilies, soybeans, garlic, vinegar, lime zest, dates, wheat flour, sea salt, liquid sugar and spices. Contains Wheat.

about Chef Ann

Classically French trained, Chef Ann Kirsebom has cooked with acclaimed Chefs from around the world. Extensive globetrotting has been a true inspiration for her gourmet sauces, as she has sourced only the finest authentic ingredients in her travels. As the Chef of the Jade Garden-Asian Restaurant aboard the luxury cruise ship “The Crystal Symphony” Chef Kirsebom sailed through Europe, the Orient and through the South Pacific on a culinary journey with each new country, a new discovery of flavor.

combinations was born. Chef Kirsebom is the Executive Chef of a successful, full service Boutique catering company in Vancouver, British Columbia. Chef Kirsebom is also a Culinary Educator, having taught the Serious Amateur program at the Dubrulle French Culinary School in Vancouver, where she graduated, and various Culinary Schools in Vancouver and private classes in the resort of Whistler. She also led food and wine enthusiasts sailing through Europe and the Panama Canal as part of “The Ultimate Dinner Party” series, giving private cooking lessons in each region. Chef Kirsebom has recently begun taking culinary groups to St. Remy de Provence for one week courses in South of France Cuisine.

Size 375ml
Region BC
Storage Shelf-stable
Best Before Please check the label on the bottle

 Tequi-Limeソースは、東と西の味が融合したボトルソースです。 アジアングリルの甘くて濃い味と 唐辛子の国境を越えた辛さをブレンドし、お祝いの一杯、テキーラで仕上げた明るく新鮮なライムソース! 保存料を使わずに無脂肪のソースに仕上げている、こだわりのソースです。


サイズ 375ml
産地 BC
輸送保管 常温
賞味期限 パッケージラベルをご確認下さい

All fresh/live seafoods arrive by air once per week. Before placing your order, please refer to this page for the latest information on the next available delivery/pickup dates, weekly order cut-off times, and other important information.

If you have any special requests or questions, please contact us

How do you guarantee the freshness of my seafood? (Hint: it's much more than just using the fastest air shipping)

Takuya has extensive experience working in the seafood industry, consistently handling high-end fish when he worked as an auctioneer at Tsukiji Market (now known as Toyosu Market) for over 10 years. From logistical solutions like oxygen-regulated water tanks to traditional Japanese techniques such as ikejime, Takuya will draw on his expertise to deliver you the highest level of freshness and quality. To learn more about how fresh seafood reaches your doorsteps, click here for an interesting read.

To share his love of seafood with you, Takuya hand-picks a fresh selection of the highest quality fish every week, and he hopes that you will enjoy them as much as he does. However, he also know that some expert foodies will want to explore and try even more seafoods!

Toyosu Market is full of Japan's rich culinary wonders (not just seafood, but also fruits and produce), and Takuya-san will be able to source any item that you are looking for on the auction floor. He has a lot of knowledge about the best season ('shun') for each species, fishing locations/towns, and varieties, so he would love to talk with you and share his passion for seafood. Just send him an email or use the contact form!

For example, if you are looking for the highest grade of uni that is exclusively found at Tokyo's top restaurants (these can go from $600-1000 per box), Takuya will get these for you at the auction. Or if you are looking for live kegani, he can arrange for them to be shipped from Hokkaido the moment they are pulled out of the water. If you are confident in your knife skills and have a lot of stomachs to fill, you could even try making sushi with a 3kg block of bluefin tuna.

If you're curious about how the whole process works, click here to learn more about the role of Toyosu Market (which acts as a central exchange location for seafood distribution in Japan) and how seafood reaches your door.

See below for examples and ideas of Japanese culinary wonders that you could try at home.

Why we launched Tsukiji Selections

After moving to Canada, I realized that there were many people who wanted to eat authentic Japanese fish, but did not have the chance to try them. Through Tsukiji Selections, I wanted to share delicious fish with as many people as possible, because people feel HAPPY when they discover delicious foods!

However, as much as tasty fish can make people happy, it can also be a huge burden on the environment. If we continue to capture a limited number of marine fish, the ecosystem will gradually collapse, making it impossible to return to its original balance. A huge part of my mission when starting Tsukiji Fish Market is to promote sustainable seafood. I want everyone to know that there are so many more types of fish out there, beyond the ones that people are already familiar with in BC. Adding these new fish to your diet not only makes a tasty addition to your family dinner table, but also diversifies our consumption patterns. If we are able to explore and enjoy an even larger variety of fish, we can reduce our strain on overfished populations.

With sustainability in mind, I am committed to introducing a variety of high quality fish which are hard to find in Canada, so that more people become aware of the thousands of seafood species that they are missing out on.



美味しい日本食を食べようとすると、なかなか本物 “Hon-mono” に出会う事ができない。バンクーバーでも、食卓で日本の味を気軽に愉しんでもらいたい、家族・友人で美味しさを共有してほしい、そんな想いが届けばとても嬉しいです。

築地セレクションズは、本物 “Hon-mono” を取り入れられるようなライフスタイルに貢献したいという想いから、魚のエキスパートである築地セリ人の疋田が始めました。また、食育の基本は家庭です。セレクションズを通して、食卓から次世代への架け橋をお手伝いし、魚を食べる楽しみを未来に繋いでいきたいです。